Where are the nation’s most valuable second home housing markets?
Across England and Wales, there are over 140,000 second homes, with flats proving the most popular. The latest research has revealed that whilst Cornwall sits
Whether you are a first-time buyer, an experienced landlord with complex buy to let requirements, a start-up with no history, a well-established company looking for extra finance to expand, or even an individual with a poor credit history our goal is to find the right source of finance for you.
Tempting headline mortgage rates are often tied up with high fees, hidden costs, or other conditions proving unsuitable for your needs.
Here at Berks Finance, we promise to make your journey to buying your dream property as smooth and stress-free as possible. We take pride in understanding our clients’ requirements to ensure we provide customer-focused advice and find the best mortgage and protection solutions suited to our clients. Our expert team strives to exceed expectations by appointing a dedicated account manager for each case and providing regular updates on the progress of your mortgage application. Each case manager takes ownership and manages the entire mortgage process until completion and collaborates effectively with external partners such as solicitors, estate agents, and lenders to guarantee we deliver on our promise.
Across England and Wales, there are over 140,000 second homes, with flats proving the most popular. The latest research has revealed that whilst Cornwall sits
New research, has analysed the areas of the country (outside of London) where first-time buyers account for the biggest proportion of home sales. Despite a
Where can landlords get the best yields for a smaller investment? We have undertaken research revealing the five UK postcodes where buy-to-oet investors can get
New data study reveals there are still plenty of profitable areas across the UK for those looking to take the leap. Despite recent fears that
A new study has revealed which UK towns make the most profit with holiday rentals. New research has looked at the number of nights rented
Average rental yields across Britain are up by 0.5% compared to last year. We reveal the nation’s best performing rental markets by looking at the
Think carefully before securing debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on the mortgage or any other debt secured on it.
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